Oct 22, 2010

Free Write

I haven't blogged in a a while!  I was on a roll there, and all of a sudden...nothing!

Well, I've actually written a few unfinished pieces, but I don't think I'll publish those.   I think I'm going through some sort of writer's block or something.

The irony is that I'm teaching a creative writing course this year.  I spend every Monday through Friday, from 9am to 3:30pm, trying to motivate my students and get them to write.  Sometimes I give them topics.  Other times I just want them to put something on paper.

"Just free write," I tell them.  If you start, the story will come.

So, it is with that same idea in mind, that I started this blog.  If I start, maybe an idea will come.

As I write, I'm beginning to think perhaps the story I want to share with you today is about my students.  They are such dynamic and precocious individuals.  Freshly minted teenagers with all the angst, insecurities, passions, and hopes that their age brings.  I see my younger self in them sometimes.

What did my teachers think of me when I was their age? I wonder. 

The habitually tardy ones always get a side "stank" eye from me, but I'd rather them show up.  You learn nothing from avoiding Ms. Rho.  Face the music and move on!

If I had a dollar for every bad excuse I hear...Well, you know how the old saying goes.  It's almost as if they think they are saying something profound and unheard of.  One student told me last week, "I didn't know I didn't have a printer!"  When I replied, "You didn't know this over a week ago when I gave you the assignment?" her eyes went up, searching for an answer but drawing a blank. 

She got the side eye!

As with every year, I aim to bring the shy ones out of their shells.  I was once that person too, but taking the leap out and letting the world know "I am here, and I'm fabulous!" is one of the best decisions I've ever made.  Anyone who doesn't like it can go sit somewhere.

Still, I am amazed at how strong my little ones are--even if they don't know it.  Many are dealing with issues I think would cripple me--and I'm twice their age!  I am particularly in awe of the young women who have lost their mothers but continue to press on.  I am in absolute awe.  I pray they don't lose their way.

So, it is with this I end this long awaited entry...It's Friday.  I stayed at work two and a half hours longer than I am required to.  I am tired and sleepy.  Yet, I am thinking of my students.  Perhaps I should share this free write with them on Monday.  Perhaps not. 

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