Sep 3, 2010

Fight Breaks out at the US Open

The US Open is the last place I'd expect a brawl in the stands.  My mother-in-law who is the sweetest, most even-keeled woman I have ever met is a huge fan of tennis.  I immagine most tennis fans to be pretty stable--just like her.   

Imagine my surprise when trolling the net I find this.  A douchebag going at it in the stands with two senior citizens.  I mean face-slapping, punch-throwing, four letter words going at it.  Security was tardy to the party, but this is the US Open.  I'm sure their job usually consists of  stopping random non-ticketed folks from getting in.

The drama that took place during last night's Djokovic vs. Petzschner match is after the jump.

1 comment:

Carl said...

Wow! What a shame. This guy does seem like a terrible person but they should have tossed all three since that lady and her dad attacked the dude three times! "I've got a lot of money on this game . . .?" Oh yeah? I've got a lot of money on you trying out for the next season of Jersey Shore! Game. Set. Match.