Sep 1, 2010

It's not your kid's fault that you have so many babies!

This is a brief one, my people.

I went to the Bronx Zoo today.  As I am exiting the train, I pass a young woman--very early twenties.  Pushing a carriage containing her youngest of three children, she is screaming, "You better bring your ass.  I'm tired of your damn crying!  Don't you make me come down there and punch you in your face."

The subject of the threats, a little girl no more than two years old, had clearly been crying for some time.  The eldest of the three girls--about 5 years old--seems pained, emotionally broken though she's barely out of the womb.  She picks up her little sister and carries her up the steps.

Her mother ranting, raving, and threatening bodily harm is clearly overwhelmed.  She wants to hurry up and catch the train, but the toddler's legs are much too short to climb the steps fast enough.

I thought to myself, "It's not your kid's fault that you have so many babies!"

Birth control exists.  Use it!  Three very young children, and barely out of childhood!

I find it shameful that a child exhibits more motherly instincts then her own mother.

Photo credit: chelle from

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