Sep 11, 2010

Funny Moments

As I was going through my husband's pictures, I came across these taken last winter.  I bought this coat because it was warm-keeping and the pattern wasn't one that I'd seen anyone wear.  Well, shortly after, I began to see this pattern everywhere!  I even saw a chair in this pattern.  "You should go sit on that," my husband told me.  Hmmm.

On this day, I sat down down in the train and my husband and I both noticed the woman and I were matching.  I couldn't escape this print anywhere in the city!!! It became a joke after a while--which explains the look on my face.

More pix after the jump.


Delvin said...

Wow... You would never think one day you would be sitting next to a stranger with the same design clothing.

Delvin said...

You never would think that you would be sitting next to a stranger wearing the same designer clothing... lol

Respect The Intelect said...

Ah man! She looks totally oblivious to the fact that you guys are wearing the same print!

Unknown said...

Wow! But you are a trend setter. As unique as your style is, it seems whatever you do some one else follows suit. You should take that into concideration!

VaRattler04 said...

Everybody in Alabama wears houndstooth whenever they can. Hats, coats, shoes, doggie carriers... it's overkill! But you wear it well, lady!

IdentityQuest said...

Ha! That's too funny.