Sep 13, 2010

Oprah Just Gave 300 Women (and a Few Guys) Better "O" Faces Than Their "Mates" Can

When I was in college, I used to dream of being part of Oprah's audience on her "My Favorite Things" shows.  How did those people get so lucky?  I wanted a car and some free food too!  I wanted a nice, new TV and stereo thingamajigs!  Why not me, Oprah?  Why not me?

Truth be told, I never tried too seriously to get in the audience.  Tickets to the show may be free, but getting there on my broke, college kid finances was not happening.

After watching the video below, I was back to:  Why not me Oprah?  Why not me?

Watch the "O" faces these people make anticipating Oprah's surprise for them on her first show of her 25th and last season. 

Catch the video after the jump--before O's people get it pulled!

Oprah's Audience Freaks Out Again
Uploaded by TheDlisted. - Watch feature films and entire TV shows.

Side thought: Dang! Oprah's been at this since I was 5 years old. Props, Oprah!! Much props!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

When I am cleaning my class I watch Oprah every day and every day she is giving something away. No wonder why those tickets were sold out so quick. Darn