Sep 1, 2010

I was attacked on the subway. Does that make me official?

I've lived in NYC for four years now. Shortly after grad school, I mailed my boxes to my then boyfriend's apartment, packed a few bags, and said adios to Miami. For the most part, the experience has been pretty good.

This city seems to be just like me--fiercely independent, never sleeps, and full of surprises. Well, I like good surprises. Not the kind life in the city delivered to me last Saturday.

After an amazingly positive meet-up with an equally amazing friend, I got mugged on my way home. Around 6-ish at the Columbus Circle station this homeless guy in a wheelchair attacked me! Yes. In a wheelchair! I didn't see that coming--clearly! I'm still shaking my head at that part--even as I write this.

So, here's the lowdown. I thought for my first blog entry, I'd write about why I heart NY!!! Camera in hand, I went about taking pics of Columbus Circle. It was the first area I had stayed in the city. I just needed a few pix of the Uptown/Downtown signs in the subway to go along with my story. Got that and I was done. Life was good, and the City was still fabulous...

As I wait for the downtown D, I notice a guy in a wheelchair pushing a large suitcase, slowly approaching. I make eye-contact with him then look away. I ignore the feeling that something isn't right. My spidey senses are out of whack 'cause this guy is in a WHEELCHAIR PUSHING A BIG ASS SUITCASE!

All of a sudden, dude is right next to me! "He must need to move pass me," I think. As I proceed to move, they guy lunges at me, grabs me, and starts to pull me toward him. My attacker has Kool-Aid-colored vomit all over his legs, smells like he is sitting in his own waste and hasn't showered since who knows how long!  I'm struggling to get free and all I can say is, "What are you doing?!" The guy never says a word.

Another man standing right next to me asks, "Do you know him?" "No, I don't know him!" He then becomes my good Samaritan, trying to pull me free--as the crowd looks on.  I'm being punched, scratched.  I don't want to be pulled into him.  My Samaritan and I yell at the man to let go!  We realize he is going for my camera.

I have months worth of pictures and videos that haven't been transfered!  I didn't take the $20 insurance!  I struggle to hold on to them.  Unable to break free, I let go of the camera and my pulls me free.  He tries to retrieve my camera, but my attacker attempts to the throw it into the track.   It lands broken on a closed platform.

The guy's explanation for jacking me up: "You were taking pictures of me! She's been following me around all week. You've been following me around Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx, and Manhattan!"

By the time my Samaritan and I get 5-0, my attacker has taken the elevator and is on his way out of the station! He repeats the same "she's stalking me" story! With that, he gets a trip to the psych ward. They'll clean him up, and he'll be back to attacking folks in no time.

As for me, I'll toughen up and recover.

When I get angry that he's getting off, I just think to myself:  "You're an idiot!  New York City has five boroughs--not four!  You forgot Staten Island!"

Maybe that shouldn't give me so much comfort.  Everyone forgets Staten Island.

Life is complicated. Sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying!  

P.S.  Memory card survived. Pix of my assailant coming  soon!

UPDATE: I had one picture with the guy who assaulted me on there.  Jump!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

unfortunately that is the dark side of New York. You must be cautious at all times. God will always send help!